Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Me and Zombies

Hello readers. I am a Nerdy Girl, with Random Nerdy thoughts, that until recently I only told my Nerdy thoughts to my friends. Who also told me that I needed to share my thoughts with the whole wide world. Something that seems to me would bring the destruction of the world as we know it.

There isn't much to tell about me, just that I am a Nerdy Girl, and dang proud of it. I am a writer, a video gamer, and I love to read. More then likely my blog would focus on those topics, sprinkled with some of my random ideas, oh and some of my random nerdy adventures that I seem to have daily.

So first up, I would like to explain, and thus bring into light my mortal fear of zombies. I am terrified of them. So  terrified, and obsessed with this fear that I am currently trying to write a book about them to help me get over. Also for my 20th birthday, my parents decided to get me the zombie survival guide, to "help". The next day after they came home from work they discovered me sitting on our couch with my back to wall reading the book. They then asked if the book seemed to help me at all.

I remember turning to them, eyes wide saying, "NO! I have discovered that in case of a zombie invasion we ARE SCREWED!" Thus the beginning of the end of any "normal" thing in my being. Since then I have tried to prefect my zombie plan, and whenever I meet a cute boy, one of the first things I ask is "so...what is your zombie plan?" Also because of this, the local college, Western Michigan University, has a game that the students play. Humans vs. Zombies. In this game, the humans, I think, have a yellow bandanna which they wear, and nerf guns to shoot at the zombies, who wear red bandannas.

This game is played every year for about a week, and the only time that you are "safe" is when you are inside one of the buildings. But once out of the buildings, you are fair game to any person. To most of my friends that sounds fun, to me, terrifying. And yet, I am slightly intrigued by the concepts of this game. So, hopefully if I do not freak myself out, I will be participating in this "fun" game, and hopefully writing down all the terrifying aspects, or stories from the battlefields of the game, to you.

I need to really focus on running this summer...

I have tried to make my plan as foolproof as possible, but alas, I know that nothing is really fool proof.  When I talk about it at work, about the underlying "human variable" that most people leave out in any plan, i am surprised to note that some people say that they are fallowing me. I even had one person say that was the last hope for human kind in case that happened. Now, *blush*, I know it may seem like a good idea, but it is just that. A plan. A plan that has to be fallowed through just right of the whole thing seems to fall apart. So the backups are on their way, don't fret about that my minions. I mean, followers. :)

Well, hopefully I haven't bored you with my ramblings.

until next time my fellow Nerdy Brotheren,

May your comic books, and books never paper-cut you, and your games always save.

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